Reliable architecture
FieldClock is a modern cloud-native service. We run our apps on top of of Amazon Web Services using best practices established in their Well Architected Reviews.

How we secure your data
High Availability
The numbers speak for themselves: FieldClock has provided 99.95% availability since we started tracking it 4 years ago. If we exclude scheduled maintenance, we'd be at 99.999% availability.
FieldClock's web apps (Admin Site, Employee Portal, FieldClock API) all run on AWS infrastructure that automatically responds to changes in traffic.
Robust Backups
Daily backups are not frequent enough. Our database creates new snapshots every few minutes and stores them in multiple geographic regions to ensure your data is never at risk.
Durable Storage
All photos and video files are stored on Amazon's S3 service which provides "four 9s" of availability and "eleven 9s" of durability.
Always run the latest version
We know how disappointing it is to be on an old version of an app and we've structured our development to make sure that never happens to our users.
Our developers utilize a "continuous deployment" pipeline to push a constant stream of updates to our servers. Once a solution to a feature request or bug report is implemented, the code goes through a review process to check its quality. After passing review, the updated code is automatically deployed throughout our infrastructure.
This process makes the newest features and latest bugfixes available to all FieldClock users at the same time, and at no extra charge!
Need clarification?
Do I have to manage my own backups?
No! Our infrastructure is cloud-native and managed within Amazon Web Service's systems. Frequent backups are automatically facilitated by AWS' systems.
What if a datacenter goes offline?
FieldClock is constantly being served from multiple datacenters to avoid any single point of failure. Our production database is replicated across multiple regions and all file uploads are stored on the extremely durable AWS S3 service.
What are your disaster recovery times?
For minor events, such as single datacenter connectivity issues, our load balancers automatically adapt and clients should not see any disruption.
For cataclysmic events, such as the entire AWS us-west-2 region going offline, we would fall back to backup infrastructure located in a different AWS region and expect to be back online within hours. (This has never happened, but we plan for it anyway!)
Has FieldClock ever lost data?
Yes. We had a bug in an early version of the FieldClock iOS app (circa 2017) that prevented device data from uploading correctly if the device had been in airplane mode for an extended time.
We learned a lot from this event and put in place additional features (including emergency data export) and processes (including deeper testing and code review) so that it would never happen again.
We are proud to say this has not happened since.
Do you offer any SLAs?
Yes! Subscribers to our 1-2-3 Loyalty program are guaranteed 99.5% availability. Contact sales for more info.